October 2009
Gearing up for "Winterbloom" release and tour…
This year, winter won’t be so cold. Four top up-and-coming singer-songwriters teamed up to record a new winter holiday album and are taking the show on the road! Antje Duvekot, Anne Heaton, Meg Hutchinson and Natalia Zukerman present WINTERBLOOM: TRADITIONS REARRANGED.
A mixture of new, original songs written specifically for this project and new arrangements of traditional songs, this 7-song EP covers a lot of ground. Reinventions of traditional Yiddish riddles alongside Bing Crosby-ish Christmas warmth; romantic literary-influenced irony right next to comic holiday break up sarcasm; English winter wassailing and German sung a cappella. This is quite possibly the most thoughtful and eclectic holiday show out there – as to be expected from such introspective and prolific songwriters. Tour dates between Thanksgiving and New Year’s are already booked in Iowa, Illinios, Wisconsin, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, New York, Pennsylvania and DC.