The Fray is out NOW!

Happy release day, John Smith, and all hands who were on deck to make this gorgeous record come to be!

A note from John:

Dear friends,

Six months ago I made a record with a group of friends in the UK, Ireland and the US. I had never tried anything like this before, but I felt the occasion warranted an adventure. I hired Real World Studios and off I went with co-producer Sam Lakeman to make a record.

At a time when real life in its purest form had happened all at once; when the events in my life felt far beyond my grasp, outside any relatable semblance of control, I felt the only rational response was to start writing. I knew immediately who I wanted to ask to sing and play on these songs. The people I invited aboard were willing and creative in their approach, so I was able to commit to the songs as instinctively and as quickly as I would if everyone had physically been in the room. The album was recorded in England, mixed in the US and mastered in Canada.

The liner notes are
here if you’d like to know more about the people involved.

Six months later, I'm releasing it into the world…
The Fray is out today, available everywhere you stream or buy music.
I hope you enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed recording it.

I imagine that everyone reading this has felt frayed in one way or another, this past year. Tonight, as I pour a little something in celebration of this release, I’ll raise a glass to your health.

After the record comes out, I’m heading down to Sheffield on Sunday 28th to Yellow Arch Studio. That night at 8pm UK I’ll play songs from the new record, plus a few old favourites, streaming around the world with my friends at Mandolin.
There will also be another gig, more of a conversation really, discussing the writing and recording of the songs in depth, on April 11th 8PM UK time.

You can access both events
I hope to see you there!




Della Mae’s new Headlight video


Folk Unlocked: Connection, Discovery, Inspiration, February 22-26, 2021