John Smith on Tour

The long wait is over…John Smith is going back out on the road. We are so grateful for the safe return of live shows and thrilled that John can finally share music from his latest record The Fray, with in-person audiences.

Read John’s words about the tour below…

Dear Friends,

It’s cooler here in the hills this morning. Summer gives way to Autumn like it always does, and the road calls. I’m thrilled to be able to answer!

Going to gigs feels like a big deal, in the light of all that has happened. I played my first two shows last week; the feeling of love and appreciation was overwhelming. It was heartening to see some of you out there and to feel that we’re still here, in it together.

This month I’m playing my first band shows in three years! There are tickets left for most shows, but Liverpool has sold out, and London and the rest are going very fast.

I’m joined by Thomas Dibb on Guitar and Piano, and Mark Lewis on Double Bass. Our incredible support act Hannah Read will join us on on Vocals and Fiddle. Joe Rusby is mixing sound and driving the van.

We also have some new posters for the tour, a limited run of screen prints by Jon Mackay.

Here’s the tedious Covid part…There are obvious requirements (though some will not be enforceable at venues). I would feel so much more comfortable being in a room full of people who are vaccinated, or at the very least have taken a lateral flow test within 24 hours of attending. We in the band will be doing the same. We’ll also wear masks up to the point that we are onstage. If you’d consider doing the same, we’d appreciate it.

Personally speaking, I am responsible for vulnerable relatives at home, so I’m doing all I can to make sure I don’t contract the virus and represent a risk to my family. I hope all of this is understandable.

I can’t wait to be on the road again with my friends, doing this work.
More than ever it feels like a tremendous privilege. I hope I see you out on the road at some point. If not this time round, somewhere down the line. Wherever you are, stay safe and be well.

Best wishes as ever,



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